Mustang Sampling
Patented Products: Our Analytically Accurate® patented power connection design utilizes existing heat trace tubing powered without additional power or natural gas for proper operation.
Superior sample conditioning (SCS): The Mustang Sampling® solution offers one of a kind products designed to maintain a representative sample from extraction to analysis reducing sample and revenue loss.
The GPR™ consists of a housing and a membrane-tipped probe regulator. The housing is installed in a depressurized pipeline through a vertically mounted thread-o-let or flange, and contains a “foot valve” in its lower end. Inserting the probe into the housing opens the “foot valve”, allowing pipeline gas to flow[…]
ANALYZER BUILDING: Single or Multi-Room, Class 1 Div 1,2 Analyzer Shelters/CEMS Integration Packages are delivered with full electrical, tubing and testing, ready for installation and operation. We provide technical support, start-up and commissioning services with full system documentation on every project we deliver.
The Mustang® Bio-Gas Sample Conditioning System (MBGSCS) is designed for the bio-gas industry to maintain a representative sample of low pressure feed gas. For farm and agricultural waste operations renewable energy programs. REPS, renewable energy credits are available to landfill owners and farmers that are able to produce natural gas[…]
Mustang Certiprobe® for use with Mustang® Pressure Regulating Vaporizer Sampling Systems The Mustang Certiprobe® sample extractor is designed to be the initial access point for pipeline or pressure vessels in LNG, LPG or other process sampling. Certiprobe® sample extractors are fabricated to meet the ANSI B31.3-2004 process piping standard and include[…]
Mustang Intelligent Vaporizer Sample System® – Model 2 The Mustang Intelligent Vaporizer Sampling System® (Model 2) is a technology designed to vaporize liquid natural gas (LNG) providing a fresh sample to a continuous online analyzer. This system is designed with enhanced sample quality, through controlled vaporization and remixing, accomplished through[…]
The Mustang® Liquid Sample Pump (MLSP) is a patent pending system offering accurate and repeatable process control measurement for NGL applications. Sample pressure is increased to meet analyzer requirements and complete the transition to liquid phase in dense phase tower bottom streams. The MLSP allows for the use of a[…]
The Pony® Heated Probe Enclosure is a patented designed to provide and maintain heat for the sample probe directly at the sample point with a remote mount Mustang® Sample Conditioning System (MSCS). The Pony® probe enclosure is an integral part of the MSCS, developed to install between 6” center‐to‐center thread‐o‐lets.[…]